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Allegory, Alliteration, Allusion, Anadiplosis, Anapest, Anaphora, Anastrophe, Antanaclasis, Antimetabole, Antithesis, Asyndeton, Aporia, Aposiopesis, Apostrophe, Apposition, Assonance, Brachylogia, Catachresis, Chiasmus, Climax
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Hysteron-Proteron, Imagery, Isocolon, Meiosis, Metaphor, Metonymy, Oxymoron, Onomatopoeia, Paradox, Parallelism, Parenthesis, Paronomasia, Pathetic Fallacy, Pathos, Periphrasis, Polysyndeton, Praeteritio, Priamel
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