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Allegory, Alliteration, Allusion, Anadiplosis, Anapest, Anaphora, Anastrophe, Antanaclasis, Antimetabole, Antithesis, Asyndeton, Aporia, Aposiopesis, Apostrophe, Apposition, Assonance, Brachylogia,  Catachresis, Chiasmus, Climax, Conceit, Consonance, Dactyl, Diaeresis, Dramatic Monologue, Ellipsis, Enjambment, Enthymeme, Epanalepsis, Exemplum, Euphemism, Gnome, Gradatio,

Hyperbole, Hyperbaton

The Pursuit of Awe:

How Poetry Works
Its Magic

Hysteron-Proteron, Imagery, Isocolon, Meiosis, Metaphor, Metonymy, Oxymoron, Onomatopoeia, Paradox, Parallelism, Parenthesis, Paronomasia, Pathetic Fallacy, Pathos, Periphrasis, Polysyndeton, Praeteritio, Priamel, Prolepsis, Prosopopoeia, Rhetorical Question, Rhyme, Simile, Syllepsis, Symploce, Synechdoche, Synesthesia, Tautology,

Tricolon Crescens, Understatement, Zeugma

So language, smithied at the common fire,
Grew to its use, as sneath and shank and halt
Of well-grained wood, nice instruments of craft,
Curve to the simple mould the hands require.
                                  —Vita Sackville-West

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